

This new generation rifle, based on the G36 is known for it's ergonomic design and its use of reinforced polymers in its construction. Its reduced recoil and versatile parts makes it a very reliable weapon.
  — Item Description 

The XM8 is a 2-Star Silver Grade NX-Standard Assault Rifle manufactured by Heckler & Koch.


The XM8 is lighter than many other assault rifles, having a low weight of 10 points. It's high fire rate of 300 points and it's light portability makes up for it's high damage dropoff. It's recoil is relatively low at 26, and it's spread recovery rate is relatively quick, like the FAMAS. The XM8 comes with a pre-attached scope of the same magnification as the L96A1, a relatively rare trait seen within the Assault Rifles category.

The (ACE) variant of the XM8 comes with an increased range of 30 points.


Events & Trivia[]

  • On 01-24-11, an authorized Preview Sale allowed "trend-setters" to purchase the XM8 early on. The sale lasted for one day (01-24-11 through 01-25-11), starting and ending at 4:00 PM PST.
    • This marked the first preview sale ever.
  • If one purchased a XM8 for permanent during the Valentine's Day Weekend,they would get a Tiger Strider for 90 days; disappointing people who purchased the XM8 permanently during the Preview Sale.
  • During the Black Friday Sale (2012), it was sold at 18,675 NX for permanent duration.

  • The XM8 shares the same design and engineering with it's cousin, the G36 rifle series.
  • The XM8 was one of the top-requested weapons on the forums.
  • This gun was the third gun to be on sale for permanent duration for a limited time. The first was the M1866, and then the XK-8 Tactical.
  • This is the first gun to have a permanent duration sale twice.
  • If one looks at the weapon while it is reloading, they'd notice the safety selector switch is flat and not a 3-dimensional object.
  • The side of the rifle's scope states that it is a 4x rifle scope.
  • If looked at a third person view the XM8 on the right side will say XM8 backwards as "8MX".

  • Media[]
