
Produces a non-lethal flash that blinds the enemy for several seconds.
  — The Arsenal 

The XM84 is a support weapon that was released in November, 2008. When thrown a blinding "flash" is emited. 


The XM84 is a non-damaging support weapon that only affects players on the opposing team, unless friendly fire is on. After being thrown, it explodes into a blinding white light, blinding all players within its radius as well as causing the screen to display inaccurate graphics for a few seconds after the blinding effect (it will be the last thing one looked at before being flashed overlapping with other things onscreen). Depending on a player's location within the explosion's radius and orientation, he can be blinded up to 10 seconds. The closer the flash grenade is to the victim, the longer the blinding effect will remain. The blind effect will subside much faster when the victim has his/her back turned to the flash explosion.


