
Let me get something straight with you guys on here. Iam a human being not a mindless machine that is controlled by someone else.

1. First and foremost, why are all the topics that involve me always get shut down before I can put my last comment(s) on there?

2. You guys, the wiki is not the same it was in late 2012 and early 2013.We have lost a great person from the wiki,that is EpaX. It also seems he's the one that understands me,but you guys don't seem to like him. You guys all decide to take his mod status away and now he's gone.So what if I get mod status and someone doesn't like me and they complain to the main admin,are you going to take my mod status away too?

3.Stop playing jokes with me,I am a very serious but ppl always want to play with me.WTF are you guys thinking?

4. Why does the main admin seem to agree with someone who has an anon acc?he doesn't know what she's up to.The only reason that you take ppls mod status away is from ppl's complaints and it seems like without investigation as well.

5.What's the point nothing will change.

It seems my blog posts dont mean a thing,NO im not quitting,it just seems I am taken for granted on here.Without EpaX and Sadrak,no one understands me.GUYS, PLZ TLK TO ME.I CANT JUST DO EDITING!!!!

BTW WaW is suspended for this week.
