
A lot of people I hav met in CA think I am just some pushover who can never be good at games.I will admit that I do have a 0.36 kdr,but that don't change the type of person I am.Yes,sometimes I beg for gifts and perms,but you can't just blame me,come on a lot of new guns in CA are cool and awesome,but some of us can't afford NX,and I hav given up on the surveys.What if I were to go to another wiki and suggest that I play that game more than CA,does that make me a bad person?If it does than that means that I should have just quit CA and the wiki a long time ago.Now i hav got a question for you...If you were to do a review on me(a bio not a game review),then what type of person do you think I am?I mean I can't just stay attatched to one game for ever,can I?I am a human being not a mindless robot who can go back to doing the same stuff everyday.Am I worthless because I am normal,or is it bc ppl don't like me?I am a rock fan,but I guess that won't change many peoples minds anytime soon.I just wish this world wasn't so judgemental.Sometimes I ask why me?Why do i get the most criticism for doing the littlest things?Can you answer that question?Put yourself in my shoes and maybe then you can see how I feel,everyday.
