

The ultimate weapon on the battlefield! The MVP stole a specialist's minigun and the Legion not too long ago and modified it to his liking. The new polymer carbon fibre hybrid parts make the weapon much lighter. With a better belt-fed system and a cooling unit, the 'Death Machine' is definitely the weapon of choice if you wish to wipe out your enemy's whole brigade! The improved cooling/warm-up system negates the warm-up 'spooling' and is also capable of a faster rate of fire.

The Rate of Fire of the Death Machine was clocked at 1366 RPM and the kill-time is even faster than the Magpul FMG-9 and the T-2 .

Able to fire 1,000 rounds into your enemy without reloading, rushers should treasure this weapon if they wish to put a massive hole in the enemy's defence.
